My creative journey!
Suhasini shares her creative journey from how decisions she took got her to where she is today and how design and illustration came to her! Her new life with being...
My creative journey!
Suhasini shares her creative journey from how decisions she took got her to where she is today and how design and illustration came to her! Her new life with being...
What is illustration and how can I get started ...
Insights from 8-years of experience of Suhasini, she shares her tips and tricks that have helped her navigate through this journey of drawing for a living!
What is illustration and how can I get started ...
Insights from 8-years of experience of Suhasini, she shares her tips and tricks that have helped her navigate through this journey of drawing for a living!
Creative blocks and what to do ?!
Creative blocks often cause us to feel overwhelmed with everything and not only does our brain feel blah, our mind stops and we end up blaming "lack of ideas" or...
Creative blocks and what to do ?!
Creative blocks often cause us to feel overwhelmed with everything and not only does our brain feel blah, our mind stops and we end up blaming "lack of ideas" or...
My 'Ninegram' journey + FAQ
End of era & start of many things new. What a ride has been! This decision comes from a place of wanting to start something fresh and new all by...
My 'Ninegram' journey + FAQ
End of era & start of many things new. What a ride has been! This decision comes from a place of wanting to start something fresh and new all by...
Boost your creativity in 5 simple ways
Creativity is simply ideas being followed by actions, imagination being led by limitless thoughts! Whether you're a cook or a landscape architect or a painter or a lawyer, creativity has...
Boost your creativity in 5 simple ways
Creativity is simply ideas being followed by actions, imagination being led by limitless thoughts! Whether you're a cook or a landscape architect or a painter or a lawyer, creativity has...
The Small Things in Business (and life) that Ma...
Written for Ninegram : August 23, 2020 Our life running Ninegram has been mostly about yay-ing when the small things go right, those that then help us get to bigger...
The Small Things in Business (and life) that Ma...
Written for Ninegram : August 23, 2020 Our life running Ninegram has been mostly about yay-ing when the small things go right, those that then help us get to bigger...