Creative blocks often cause us to feel overwhelmed with everything and not only does our brain feel blah, our mind stops and we end up blaming "lack of ideas" or no energy! Every artist or creative person faces this and there's easy steps to guide your way through a creative block! Gear up, here are simple ways which I follow to rejuvenate and feel creative anytime I have a block! 🌟
- Stop, organise and pause : Stop doing anything you're doing and take a step back. Water, cake, la la la, yes but more than that refocus to organise your thoughts, your actions, your surroundings. Making a realistic effort to have a cleaner desk/ fresh mind/ decent home atmosphere can help you instantly feel better and radiate GOOD vibes towards you! Flowers, candles, cleaning, all these are feel good things that are essential to lift up your mood around any space.Â
- Â Take yourself out : I don't mean like on a date, oh, actually I just mean exactly THIS! GO on a date, whether it's a creative brief that's hanging on your head or an illustration deadline, make it your date and go out with your fabulous self. You'll end up feeling GREAT because you did something for yourself and also, changing scenarios works best for our energies to redirect and finish those pending tasks. Being outside might also help gain a fresher perspective and enhance your productivity! Even if this doesn't work, you tried and you're going to feel better than you did before the date!Â
- Focus on other hobbies and time out doing THIS activity: Focus on any other happy activity which you like and enjoy and have a time-out for whatever feels like an absolute chore. You will enjoy having meaningless fun and not be stressed which is the best feeling when in any block!Â
- Pat yourself for achievements and make a gratitude list : Being grateful doesn't only imply counting what's good in life, it also enables you to lift yourself and see everything you're missing to see. Gratitude also will help you shift from negative to positive thereby enabling yourself to feel better and achieve clarity! :)Â
It's okay, the process is slow but as long as your hold your own hand and not squish it with stress, you'll do wonders and these blocks won't stay in your way! Stay creative people!
x_x Su